Anomaly tells the story of a young man in his early twenties. He travels to Darmstadt, to solve the mystery of his heritage. His parents, acclaimed scientists in the field of quantum mechanics worked there until their mysterious disappearance. Why is it so hard to find more information on his parents work? Who did they work with? What is the "Augur Projekt"? Jan pretends to be a student to find answers at the University, where he finds new friends. The trio is drawn into the conspiracy surrounding his parents research. Every answer poses new questions. Who can he trust? Why is he being hunted? Step by step Jan uncovers his own connection to the city and the secrets that might just put him and his friends in harms way.


WSWC History

  • 2019 #10 Sel: 6.6 / Nom: 15.0 / Awa: 1.0 = 88.0 pts